Hauraki Gulf
fishing report
March 5, 2021

There's a great week of weather ahead from Friday 12th right through the rest of the week, which might suit fishermen better than yacht racers at this stage. A great looking forecast, with the full moon passed, to get on out there.
The Autumn change is upon us all which brings an increase in fishing action – lots of different species to target, this is the season to enjoy some great fishing adventures. It’s never a dull moment out in the gulf, whether surprized by whale spouts emerging from the abyss, excited banter as gannets rain down on baitfish, or simply enjoying your favourite fishing style and spot, Autumn is the time to be fishing and the time is now.
Marlin: This season west has been best, but the marlin and YFT are within ‘cooee’ of the Hauraki Gulf. From the Mokes to Gt Barrier, Cuvier surrounds and around the back of Gt Barrier around the 150 metre contour line are prime spots right now when the planets align.

This year has seen some good catches of YFT, striped and even blue marlin so if your world allows – it’s a great season to be big game fishing.
Inshore sights for sore eyes have been popping up, exciting stuff along a number of coastlines including the North Shore bays this week for instance! The inner areas have had quite a spark of life, easily visible with eyesight or a pair of std binos.
Terns, gannets, petrels, shearwaters all doing their best to get fish for dinner when the feeding switch is flicked on. There has been several hours between feeding sessions, with many of the birds just sitting and waiting it out – which means the fish are likely doing the same, in the same general area.
Further out yes there have been some intense workups going on, with many smaller frenetic styles of workups, smaller pods of dolphins and gannets hammering the bait schools in fast ‘n furious fashion.
Faster moving and over quickly – but the need to feed is on indeed! Widely spread rather than one concentrated spot x, from Waiheke to Gt Barrier with more the further out you go. Good fast fishing to be expected.

How do I set my drag for softbaiting? A critical question often asked – so here’s quick video of how to set your drag - fast easy and effective: VIDEO HERE
The great news is as soon as The Matrix allows – be out there fishing! Inshore areas are a very good place to be, lots of bird life pointing the way to hotspots, but even without them those shallows first thing in the morning (and mid afternoon if that bite continues) are prime places for Autumn snapper looking to put on some weight before winter.
Out in the gulf the food chain is swinging from Summer style to Autumn bulk-up phase. Everything is out there – it’s just up to you to head out and be the hunter-gatherer for some of the best fresh fish in the world, right here.
This report is supplied by Grant 'Espresso' Bittle from Catch and Wave Dancer Charters.

For Wave Dancer Charters: Visit www.wavedancer.co.nz to make a booking

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