Kawhia / Raglan
fishing report
June 2, 2022

Well, it’s feeling like winter alright. There are still plenty of fish about when the weather is on our side, but windows of opportunity are pretty slim at present. Believe it or not, the weather reports for Sunday through to Tuesday are looking pretty sharp with wind from the nor-west.
Fishing is going strong most days, with some very nice snapper to be had fishing off the sand 40-50 metres off Aotea reef.
It’s prime gurnard season, and these guys are out in good numbers some days. It’s hard to beat gurnard for the table, and the fat winter specimens are as good as it gets.
Kahawai are often about in plague numbers at the moment. Once these fish get wound up on the chew its near impossible to get any gear through them so it’s best to actually move on.
Working birds are a dead giveaway that the kahawai are feeding, and although we usually head for them, the voracious appetites of the kahawai mean it’s best to head for new ground this time of year.
If the stars line up, and you do get onto a good snapper bite, the size and condition is generally very good.
We’ve seen plenty of fish very close to 20lb mark some days.
On the other end of the spectrum, the juvenile snaps can also be quite a pain either stripping your hooks aggressively or getting hooked up on what seems an impossible meal for them to swallow.
Moving about is often a good way to go to get what you’re looking for. Otherwise, berley can be the answer in winter to get their heads up, attached to the anchor chain or lowered in a bomb if the current is running at all.
Winter is a great time to fish if you have the patience, but keep an eye on that weather and pick your days wisely, or come on out on our big boat 😊
Good luck and stay safe.
Rob Fitzgerald is owner and skipper of Venturer Fishing Charters, operating out of Kawhia.
Venturer fishing charters

Check Venturer Fishing Charters Kawhia out on Facebook or online - www.venturerfishingcharterskawhia.co.nz
For tackle, tips and charter options contact Rob Fitzgerald.
Ph 07 8711717 or 0272544589 or email robjac@xtra.co.nz

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