Kawhia / Raglan
fishing report
January 8, 2021

The fishing has been outstanding over the last couple of weeks, particularly because it can be hard going traditionally at this time of year when the snapper get a bit fussy to do with spawning. Earlier in the month we had been fishing south of Albatross Point covering various depths from 40 to 60 metres and doing ok. In the last few days the 45 – 48 metre zone seems to have been fishing the best.

We have commonly been getting as many fish as we need by early lunch time, but the odd day dries up a bit and we still have to work hard for them.
We have had some great mixed bags including terakihi, gurnard, snapper, kingies and trevally. A real species mix there!
The tarakihi have been a very welcome addition to the mix, and have been present in pretty good numbers, and also good size.
Snapper have been a real mix size-wise, and it just depends on the day whether you get schools of pannies or donkeys. I guess moving around is the only way to get off the smaller schools but it’s hard to leave fish to find fish sometimes.
Workups are now all over the place, and these can fish well at times but not always the case. They can be kahawai, skippy, or trevs and they are always worth a look if you care to target these fish or any of the bigger predators likely to be feeding on them.
I find workups where the birds are resting on the water tend to have more fish under them.
As far as best baits, good old squid seems to be the flavour at present, but only by a small margin in front of fresh kahawai, coutta, or mackerel which are all working well.
Marlin are about a few caught this week out around 100-120 meters off Raglan.
We have not seen any albacore but I’m sure they are there to be found with a bit off effort, and 60 metres would be a good place to start as there is a lot of bird activity out here currently.
Rob Fitzgerald is owner and skipper of Venturer Fishing Charters, operating out of Kawhia.
Venturer fishing charters

Check Venturer Fishing Charters Kawhia out on Facebook or online - www.venturerfishingcharterskawhia.co.nz
For tackle, tips and charter options contact Rob Fitzgerald.
Ph 07 8711717 or 0272544589 or email robjac@xtra.co.nz

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