Wellington / Kapiti
fishing report
May 22, 2020

I’ll tell you what! The snapper fishing here in Wellington is as good as I have ever seen it anytime, including the height of summer. They are everywhere. The surfcasters are getting them, the boaties are getting them off every coast, it’s a really exciting prospect for the fishery to see this popular fish in such decent numbers here. It’s incredible, no matter where we fish we are getting juvenile snapper, good pannies, and more than the occasional big banger.
A local surf caster got his limit from the shore over the weekend, fishing the beaches from Paekakariki north, with fish up to 8.5 kilograms.
Night fishing is proving very successful, with at least two fish over the magic twenty-pound mark caught last week that we know of.
Out on the boat we have been exploring new spots in behind Mana Island with great results, by getting in close, as shallow as 20 metres sometimes, it’s surprising what good fish are in there when the conditions are favourable with not too much tide.
Even though all the common reefs and popular areas are fishing well, it just goes to show that sometimes it pays to try something new and take the gamble that a bit of patience will pay off.
The kingies are still around too, and land based anglers are commonly landing them on everything from lures, cut baits and livies.

The usual reefs are producing nice kings for the boaties as well. Check out this 31kg beast caught by John Crawford on the south end of Mana. The usual spots such as Hunter's and Fisherman's are also producing good results.

For the more adventurous, Kev, from KP Marine, landed a 60kg southern bluefin tuna out wide from Cape Palliser. If you are keen on a bit of that action, you could launch at Ngawi. Kev reckons there are more out there and is heading out again for another go this weekend.
He has his own shop http://www.kpmarine.co.nz/fishing
One thing we have found a bit harder is the puka fishing. Despite everything else going well we’ve had a lot of feedback that chasing bluenose and puka out at the trench has not been great. I’m sure they are there but it might take a bit more prospecting to find them.
Report provided by PETE LAMB FISHING
Shop - 15 Kingsford Smith St, Rongotai

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