Wellington / Kapiti
fishing report
July 1, 2022

Given that the weather is not all that amazing, at least we’ve managed to get out a bit recently and made the most of the short windows. There’s another one coming up this weekend too, looking pretty good both Saturday and Sunday. The two-metre southerly swell will probably mean west coast and harbour are the places to fish for most comfortable conditions.
There’s plenty of snapper, gurnard, trevs to be found at the usual hunting grounds and this time of year fish are in their best condition for eating, so it’s nice to put a few in the bin.
The fine spells are allowing a few good puka to be caught, which you would expect this part of the season.

If your rig is equipped to get over to D’Urville the puka and kingy fishing there is peaking and there are some real donkeys of both species being landed.
For whatever reason we seem to be getting summer fishing right through winter now, with steady snapper action, but far be it from a complaint.
It’s great to see more people out there doing it, and discovering there’s plenty of action if you actually get a line in the water.
Snapper fishing from boat and shore has been as good as you could ever expect at times.
There’s been plenty of big reds caught off the beaches up towards Kapiti, and Palliser bay is still providing some exciting fishing for land based anglers also.
With the southerly swell it might be a bit marginal for a bit now, but once it clears up expect the good fishing to continue.
Puka are a core target species mid-winter, and that’s probably what I’ll be having a crack at this weekend.
Depending how we go on the puka, the deeper reef systems are holding nice big terakihi, big mackerel, snaps and trevs etc, so it’s a good plan while you’re all the way out there to limit the catch of hapuka (which the slack tide window kind of forces you to anyway) and try for some other species out wider offshore.
When the southerly allows access to the Trench it’s been going pretty good for puka, bass and big bluenose.
A real go-to spot for turn of the tide is the ‘bass patch’ around 260 to 280 metres on the far side of the Trench.
The fish move about a bit so spend some time prospecting with the sounder and try to get down on top of them when you pick up sign.
There’s some really big fish about out there which is good to see.
Inshore the winter months often require a good bit of berley and patience to get the bite going, so come and pick up your supplies at our Rongotai shop and have a bit more of a chat about the fishing while you’re here.

027 443 9750
Shop - 15 Kingsford Smith St, Rongotai

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