Wellington / Kapiti
fishing report
March 6, 2020

A pretty good looking weekend ahead, choice!! A good forecast is in store for Wellington for this weekend coming up particularly late Saturday through today until Monday, best day Sunday with seven knot variables on the cards. Mid-week goes a bit pear shaped, but it looks to be clearing up again for the following weekend too, finally a bit of cooperative timing for the nine to fivers.
At the moment fishing is all go with pretty much every common species being caught in good numbers and pretty consistently at the moment.
There has even been marlin seen at Tora and Terawhiti recently.
West Coast
There are plenty of tuna out wide from Kapiti, so this could be a great opportunity to get out and target the little speedsters for the table, and search for a few puka marks while you’re on the move out deeper.
The KP marine tuna comp winning albie weighed almost 13 kgs so that’s a great fish on light gear.
Check out this article for a bit of albacore inspiration:
Boom rock and Makara have been producing good terakihi and trevally in around the 20-40 metre mark, as well as fishing pretty good for snapper on occasion, both from boat and surf casting.
Out wider off the west, Hunter’s has been fishing well and the warehou have been making an appearance again.
This week should be a great opportunity to target Kapiti, Fisherman’s, Hunters, or even take the opportunity to get down to Ohau.
It’s great conditions for puka dropping on Sunday with dead high tide at 09.50 so good fishing window is from 08.00 until lunchtime.
The kahawai have been in short supply but the ones were getting are very fat and getting ready to spawn, so if you are keeping a few for the smoker the extra fat will add to the taste.
An avid bait fisherman, I am slowly seeing the ways of the lure working well, and I got my first Wellington gurnard on a lucanus the other day (my 2nd fun fishing trip this year!).
Snapper are commonplace up and down the coast, and the surf casters are getting into some good ones now as well.
Kingfish (and puka) are getting caught at all the usual haunts - Hunters, 78, Fishermans, back of Mana, Makara and Ohau.
There’s some really good sized cod coming out of Mana at the moment too, if you like that for the pot.
South Coast
There is good bluenose and gem fish turning up from the trench, plenty of snapper off the airport reef and Red Rocks. You’ll always find plenty of cod and teri’s at all the usual haunts there as well.
Inner Harbour
We’ve seen some good catches of land based game kingi action out at Sunshine Bay.
There’s also nice kings and snapper off Point Gordan and Ward Island.
Tight lines
Report provided by PETE LAMB FISHING
Shop - 15 Kingsford Smith St, Rongotai
Open 7.30am-5.30pm : Monday to Friday and 08.00am-4.00pm on weekends.

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